
Hey there! My name is Jakob Sagatowski and I work as a software engineer in Munich, Germany.
I have a master of science graduate in computer engineering from the royal institute of technology in Stockholm/Sweden. Those six years at that school has been a very good time for me, and I really miss my friends from that time.
I live in an apartment in central Munich. I'm grown up in Stockholm/Sweden, and after living there for over 30 years, I moved to Germany. My biggest hobby is software development, and I run a very popular blog in this field. Another big interest in life is amateur astronomy/astrophotography (surprise, surprise). It has been a hobby since I was about 15 and ALMOST bought a department store telescope (for those who don't know, NEVER buy department store telescopes, those are just toys). A good friend of mine told me to just read a little more on the Internet before making any decisions and I did. I was impressed of how much information there was on the net regarding this, and lots of people helped me making the right decision. So, after reading specifications and listening to recommendations I bought my first 90mm refractor 1998. I used this one for three years doing all kind of stuff (I even got into astrophotography, check pictures-section for this) but as most amateur astronomers I wanted more aperture. In June 2001, after some hard work I could finally drive my new 10" SCT home.
Others interests are biking and YouTubing.
If you have any questions please contact me!